Applying to WBC 2013–2014

The call for appli­ca­tions for We Build Com­mu­ni­ty 2013–2014 is now closed.

Who is eligible to apply for We Build Community?
Appli­ca­tion to We Build Com­mu­ni­ty is open to cur­rent NCSO mem­bers who have 501c3 sta­tus or a fis­cal sponsor.

What makes an NCSO organization a strong candidate for We Build Community?
SAALT will be able to engage five (5) NCSO mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions to par­tic­i­pate in We Build Com­mu­ni­ty in 2013–2014. Please con­sid­er apply­ing if you have:How to apply?

  • A com­mit­ment to address­ing issues around racial jus­tice, immi­gra­tion jus­tice, gen­der jus­tice, and/or LGBTQ jus­tice through effec­tive coali­tion build­ing and ally­ship. These can be reflect­ed through a his­to­ry of work on these issues and an inter­est in deep­en­ing this work as part of organization’s strate­gic plan. This can be demon­strat­ed in mul­ti­ple ways. Women’s rights or direct ser­vice orga­ni­za­tions are encour­aged to apply by iden­ti­fy­ing how your work address­es injus­tices in the above areas, and could be strength­ened through par­tic­i­pa­tion in this initiative.
  • Strong inter­est in and fea­si­ble strat­e­gy for deep­en­ing your organization’s work around racial jus­tice, immi­gra­tion jus­tice, gen­der jus­tice, and/or LGBTQ jus­tice through effec­tive coali­tion build­ing and ally­ship. This work could include mean­ing­ful coali­tion build­ing; or engag­ing in orga­niz­ing of your mem­bers around par­tic­u­lar advo­ca­cy actions; or broad­en­ing your com­mu­ni­ca­tions abil­i­ty to engage on these issues.
  • A spe­cif­ic orga­ni­za­tion­al capac­i­ty-build­ing need in an area such as resource devel­op­ment; human resources; board devel­op­ment and man­age­ment; member/volunteer man­age­ment and super­vi­sion; pro­gram doc­u­men­ta­tion, eval­u­a­tion, and report­ing sys­tems; effec­tive fis­cal man­age­ment; com­mu­ni­ca­tions; and devel­op­ment and main­te­nance of tech­nol­o­gy and can demon­strate how build­ing this capac­i­ty would help in terms of deep­en­ing your work racial jus­tice, immi­gra­tion jus­tice, gen­der jus­tice, and/or LGBTQ jus­tice through effec­tive coali­tion build­ing and allyship.

How to apply?
Inter­est­ed appli­cants should sub­mit appli­ca­tions no lat­er than Octo­ber 14, 2013. Pro­pos­als may be sub­mit­ted as sin­gle PDF doc­u­ment by email to with the sub­ject line “We Build Com­mu­ni­ty 2013–2014 Application.”

Download WBC application here.

The call for appli­ca­tions for We Build Com­mu­ni­ty 2013–2014 is now closed.