Let’s get together

MEET SAALT WITH Your Community

SAALT offers a vari­ety of ways to share its issue-area exper­tise to help you in plan­ning con­fer­ence speak­ers, work­shops and train­ings, as well as help com­mu­ni­ty, stu­dent, pro­fes­sion­al, cul­tur­al and reli­gious groups learn more about our work.

Workshops, trainings, and guest speaking

Workshops and Trainings
SAALT staff can work with you to plan and facil­i­tate train­ings and work­shops on issues impact­ing  the South Asian com­mu­ni­ty. SAALT has worked with stu­dent groups, mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tions, non­prof­its,  edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, an most impor­tant­ly with our NCSO part­ners to bring exper­tise in areas from migra­tion to racial jus­tice to hate vio­lence, and more.

Past workshop and trainings topics:

  • Post‑9/11 Islam­o­pho­bia
  • Anti-Black Racism in the South Asian Community
  • Abo­li­tion and Justice
  • Caste-Based Dis­crim­i­na­tion & Caste Abolition
  • Xeno­pho­bia and Hate Violence
  • Under­stand­ing Asian Amer­i­can Com­mu­ni­ty Narratives
  • (Im)migration and Policies
  • Set­tler-Colo­nial­ism and Sol­i­dar­i­ty For Freedom

…and any oth­er top­ics you’d like to explore! Reach out to info@saalt.org to see if we can col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly devel­op a work­shop or training.

Sharing and Collaboration
SAALT is always excit­ed to share our work with our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and allies; we wel­come you to use all of the resources on our web­site and cred­it them accord­ing­ly. If you’re look­ing for a spe­cif­ic resource, please con­tact us at info@saalt.org.