We Build Community

A Capacity-Building Program for the
National Coalition of South Asian Organizations (NCSO)

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT) will be coor­di­nat­ing a capac­i­ty-build­ing and skills-build­ing pro­gram in 2013 to sup­port, deep­en, and strength­en the mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions of the Nation­al Coali­tion of South Asian Orga­ni­za­tions (NCSO).

When the NCSO was cre­at­ed in 2007, part of the vision was that SAALT, as the coor­di­na­tor, would iden­ti­fy fund­ing, resources, and train­ings to sup­port NCSO mem­bers. Over the years, this has occurred in a vari­ety of ways such as through We Build Com­mu­ni­ty, the Advo­cates for Com­mu­ni­ty Empow­er­ment project, the New York City col­lab­o­ra­tive project on racial and reli­gious pro­fil­ing, the Nation­al South Asian Sum­mit, and others.

In 2013–2014, SAALT will be engag­ing in the sec­ond year of our We Build Com­mu­ni­ty capac­i­ty build­ing ini­tia­tive. We Build Com­mu­ni­ty 2013–2014, will sup­port NCSO mem­bers to more effec­tive­ly deep­en their capac­i­ty and involve­ment in alliances and coali­tions that con­nect South Asian Amer­i­can com­mu­ni­ties with broad­er move­ments for racial jus­tice, immi­gra­tion jus­tice, gen­der jus­tice, and/or LGBTQ justice.