Rapid Response Network

With the prospect of more vio­lence tar­get­ing South Asian and oth­er immi­grant com­mu­ni­ties across the U.S., SAALT and Mus­lims for Just Futures  joint­ly formed the South Asian Rapid Response Net­work (SARR). Through this net­work, you can:

  1. Sign up to be an inter­preter or to trans­late writ­ten materials
  2. Pro­vide any type of legal counsel
  3. Dis­trib­ute Know Your Rights resources via your social media accounts and in your com­mu­ni­ties [ KYR  Pun­jabi| Hin­di| Urdu| Bangla ]

Sign up here to join this rapid response network, or write to info@saalt.org to learn more!


What are the val­ues of this space?

  • The South Asian Rapid Response Net­work (SARR) is com­mit­ted to the end of deten­tion, sur­veil­lance, and vio­lence  against detainees, migrants, and immi­grants. We call for the imme­di­ate clo­sure of all deten­tion facil­i­ties and insti­tu­tions uphold­ing them. SARR works to uphold the expe­ri­ence, lead­er­ship, and voic­es of direct­ly impact­ed peo­ple, espe­cial­ly those of mar­gin­al­ized caste, gen­der, faith, and sex­u­al­i­ty groups.

What is the SARR list­serv for?

  • This list­serv is only for the use of shar­ing resources relat­ed to sup­port­ing detainees, immi­grants, and migrants of South Asian descent in the U.S. Resources include infor­ma­tion about upcom­ing train­ings for those impact­ed by anti-immi­­grant poli­cies and con­cerned com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, pamphlets/brochures/etc., shar­ing infor­ma­tion about cam­paigns or upcom­ing events. If you are won­der­ing whether or not to post some­thing or if a top­ic is rel­e­vant, con­tact a moderator.

Who shares infor­ma­tion in this network?

  • All mem­bers are able to start top­ics or share infor­ma­tion. The mod­er­a­tors reserve the right to delete top­ics they decide are not rel­e­vant to this forum or are a secu­ri­ty con­cern. Below are some gen­er­al guidelines: 
    • Do not share infor­ma­tion about raids that are not ver­i­fied. Please fol­low this guide for shar­ing infor­ma­tion about raids in this list­serve and social media.
    • Do not share “Alien Num­bers”, “Green Card Num­bers,” or any oth­er iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion of a detainee, immi­grant, or migrant over this list­serve. It is a mat­ter of safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of the indi­vid­ual. That infor­ma­tion should only be shared with legal rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the individuals.

What com­mu­ni­ca­tion behav­ior is expect­ed in this network?

  • No racist, casteist, homo­pho­bic, trans­pho­bic, sex­ist, or any oth­er dis­re­spect­ful lan­guage or behav­ior will be tol­er­at­ed. Do not use abelist lan­guage, includ­ing crit­i­ciz­ing peo­ple for not being able to spell, say­ing some­thing is “crazy” or “insane”, call­ing peo­ple “stu­pid” or “idiot.” Do not demand, expect. or make assump­tions about a mem­ber’s capac­i­ty to pro­vide infor­ma­tion or edu­ca­tion on spe­cif­ic issues or event. If you are con­cerned about the behav­ior of a mem­ber, please con­tact a moderator.

Who should I invite to join SARR?

  • Do not invite peo­ple with­out let­ting them know what they are being invit­ed to. Invite South Asians in the U.S. who will respect the com­mu­ni­ty guidelines.

How do I invite some­one to join SARR?

  • Have them com­plete this form: https://forms.gle/7W3xonD8CgnM31XR8

How do I get in touch with the moderators?

  • Please write to info@saalt.org to be con­nect­ed with lead­ers from both SAALT and Mus­lims for Just Futures.