Campus Sessions

Want to bring a South Asian social justice session to your campus?

  • Explore an issue affect­ing South Asians in the Unit­ed States
  • Share your expe­ri­ences as a South Asian com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber and student
  • Iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties to get involved and effect change in a grow­ing social jus­tice movement

LTPhotoWeb20130420048Why host a SAALT campus session?

  • Explore issues affect­ing South Asian stu­dents on your campus
  • Devel­op effec­tive tools and resources for cam­pus advocacy
  • Cre­ate an oppor­tu­ni­ty for peer exchange and learning
  • Build ally­ship with diverse stu­dent groups

Suggested Topics

  • Immi­gra­tion
  • Racial and reli­gious profiling
  • Bias-based bul­ly­ing
  • Civic engage­ment
  • Racial jus­tice
  • Gen­der justice
  • LGBTQ jus­tice

What can a SAALT campus session look like?

  • A 60–90 minute work­shop, pre­sen­ta­tion, or pan­el led by a SAALT staff mem­ber or com­mu­ni­ty partner
  • Film screen­ing, fol­lowed by an inter­ac­tive discussion
  • Cam­pus advo­ca­cy skills train­ing to sup­port a project or campaign

How does our campus get started?

If you are inter­est­ed in bring­ing SAALT to your cam­pus, please con­tact us at SAALT will work with you to devel­op a ses­sion that fits well with the needs of you and yours peers.